“I knew Harutyun before his joining USAID Project NOVA (Yerevan, Armenia) where he worked as MIS Officer till he was awarded a Post Doctoral Fellowship at Dublin University. Harutyun was a very reliable, diligent employee with very high sense of responsibility. Harutyun implemented all the assignments very scrupulously and on time, even quicker than it could have been imagined. The professionally created MIS databases served well in daily management of the Project, as well as in creation of thematic GIS maps. Besides focusing on the general theme/topic of the requested map he was always paying attention to details, design, and accurate labeling of the final product. Always wishing to reach the ideal, perfectionism is Harutyun's way of living. Harutyun will be a valuable asset for an organization employing him.”
I am a Marie Curie Alumni and a Director of a Data Science team at Optum Ireland with…
We’re coming towards the end of the calendar year. Over the past 12 months the UCD Earth Institute has organised and facilitated 80+ events with over…
We’re coming towards the end of the calendar year. Over the past 12 months the UCD Earth Institute has organised and facilitated 80+ events with over…
Liked by Harut Shahumyan
My wife Dr. Rebecca Quin finished up as Principal Psychologist for Wicklow's Children's Disability Network Teams (CDNTs) today. I have no doubt she…
My wife Dr. Rebecca Quin finished up as Principal Psychologist for Wicklow's Children's Disability Network Teams (CDNTs) today. I have no doubt she…
Liked by Harut Shahumyan
Great to see this Owen Douglas! It Illustrates how a PhD and the academic training involved can lead to a career that is much broader than the…
Great to see this Owen Douglas! It Illustrates how a PhD and the academic training involved can lead to a career that is much broader than the…
Liked by Harut Shahumyan
Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of National Academy of Sciences of Armenia
PhD thesis entitled: "Investigation of Demographic and Medical Statistical Models".
Diploma ( Doctor of Engineering ) -
Licenses & Certifications
Volunteer Experience
Scientific Journals
Science and Technology
- Journal of Urban Planning and Development
- Journal of Transport and Land Use
- European Journal of Remote Sensing
- European Science Foundation Pool of Reviewers
Website Developer
Armenian Community of Ireland
- Present 14 years
Arts and Culture
St. Hripsime Armenian Sunday School in Dublin
- Present 9 years
Integration of land use, land cover, transportation, and environmental impact models: Expanding scenario analysis with multiple modules
Environment and Planning B Planning and Design
It is an expensive and time-consuming task to develop a new model. Furthermore, a single model often cannot provide answers required for complex decision making based on multiple criteria. Coupling models are often applied to make use of existing models and analyze complex policy questions. This paper provides an overview of possible model integration approaches, briefly explains the modules that were integrated in a particular application, and focuses on the integration methods applied in this…
It is an expensive and time-consuming task to develop a new model. Furthermore, a single model often cannot provide answers required for complex decision making based on multiple criteria. Coupling models are often applied to make use of existing models and analyze complex policy questions. This paper provides an overview of possible model integration approaches, briefly explains the modules that were integrated in a particular application, and focuses on the integration methods applied in this research. While the initial attempt was to integrate all models as tightly as possible, the authors developed a much more agile integration approach that allows adding and replacing individual modules easily. Python wrappers were developed to loosely couple land use, land cover, transportation, and emission models developed in different environments. ArcGIS Model Builder was used to provide a graphical user interface and to present the models’ workflow. The suggested approach is especially efficient when the models are developed in different programming languages, their source codes are not available, or the licensing restrictions make other coupling approaches impractical.
Other authors -
Dublin, Ireland's Flagship - Final Synthesis Report
School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Policy. University College Dublin
This piece of research was carried out to examine the role that the Dublin city region has in the national context and its value to Ireland as a global city of scale. The process through which this was achieved was firstly by examining available data and then by using this data to produce a spatial analytical assessment of Dublin's role. This was followed by structured discussions with key policy makers and economic development stakeholders in the city region to explore key issues. It also…
This piece of research was carried out to examine the role that the Dublin city region has in the national context and its value to Ireland as a global city of scale. The process through which this was achieved was firstly by examining available data and then by using this data to produce a spatial analytical assessment of Dublin's role. This was followed by structured discussions with key policy makers and economic development stakeholders in the city region to explore key issues. It also utilized existing datasets and international benchmarks of performance.
In order to set a context for this work the dynamics of urban growth, demographic trends and urban economics are explained in brief. In this context the synthesis then extracts some of the key findings and results of the research and presents an initial suite of recommendations. It is intended that the findings of this research will provide a means through which policy makers can advance further policy development for the city region.
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National Borders and Transport corridors in Europe: Evidence of linkages in the Dublin-Belfast corridor in Planning Support Tools: Policy Analysis, Implementation and Evaluation
Edited by Michele Campagna, Andrea De Montis, Federica Isola, Sabrina Lai, Cheti Pira, Corrado Zoppi, Publisher FrancoAngeli, Milano, ISBN: 9788856875973, pp. 193-205.
Collating and Assessing the Availability and Applicability of Socio-Economic Data and Information Relating to Development of The Dublin Region
Dublin Regional Authority
The Report groups and analyses the wealth of quantitative evidence available on a regional basis relevant to the study aims and objectives. It lays the building blocks for business, demographic and economic analysis with spatial outputs. It collates the data of the Local Authorities, CSO (Central Statistics Office), Dublin City Council (DCC), ESRI, NTA (National Transport Agency), FORFAS, IDA, the Universities and Institutes, and other relevant sources.
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Implementing a decision-theoretic design in clinical trials: Why and how?
Statistics in Medicine, 26 (27):4938-4957
This paper addresses two main questions: first, why should Bayesian and other innovative, data-dependent design models be put into practice and, secondly, given the past dearth of actual applications, how might one example of such a design be implemented in a genuine example trial?
Other authors -
The Investigation of Population Alteration in Armenia
Transactions of the Institute of Economical Researches :196-201
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Statistical Software Packages In: Probability and Applied Statistics
Yerevan, Armenia: Gitutiun Publishing House of NAS of RA
A chapter on Statistical software in the textbook for post-graduate students.
Regional Development Scenario Evaluation through Land Use Modelling and Opportunity Mapping
Land 2014, 3(3), 1180-1213; doi:10.3390/land3031180
In the context of sustainable urban development, the application of selected indicators integrated with scenario simulation and analysis can contribute to evidence-based decision making. This paper discusses the application of land use modelling and opportunity mapping approaches to evaluate regional development scenarios for the Greater Dublin Region in the period to 2026 evolving from research initially developed with the Dublin Regional Authority. This involved the simulation of four…
In the context of sustainable urban development, the application of selected indicators integrated with scenario simulation and analysis can contribute to evidence-based decision making. This paper discusses the application of land use modelling and opportunity mapping approaches to evaluate regional development scenarios for the Greater Dublin Region in the period to 2026 evolving from research initially developed with the Dublin Regional Authority. This involved the simulation of four different future regional development scenarios using an adapted version of the MOLAND model with opportunity maps based on combined spatial indicators corresponding to these scenarios. The results produce valuable information for policy makers and planners assisting the evaluation of the consequences of their decisions in both a spatial and temporal context. This paper aims to show how current and future planning and economic policy can make targeted and evidence-based policy interventions and achieve resource efficiencies through the use of scenario analysis.
Other authorsSee publication -
Urban Development Scenarios and Probability Mapping for Greater Dublin Region: The MOLAND Model Applications.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
Advanced Project Management
1 day
Building Web Maps using ArcGIS API for Flex, ESRI
2 days
Comprehensive Cube Training Workshop, CitiLab, Washington, DC
3 day
Developing Applications with ArcGIS Server, ESRI
3 days
HarvardX: PH207x Quantitative Methods in Clinical & Public Health Research
12 weeks
Improving communication skills
1 day
Introduction to ArcGIS 9, part 2, GIS Project
2 days
Introduction to ArcGIS Server, ESRI
2 days
Introduction to Econometrics, Russian Economic School
5 days
Introduction to Practical Project Management’
1 day
Introduction to Spatial and 3D Analyst, ESRI
1 day
Introductory Statistics and Research Methods, University of Cambridge
1 day
Managing Confidential Data for Research
1 day
Negotiation skills
1 day
Presentation Skills
2 days
Programming in Java, NCSG
1 day
Project Management for Researchers
2 days
Report writing
2 days
Small Area Estimation, International Association of Survey Statisticians
1 day
Spatial Analysis Techniques for Public Health, URISA
1 day
Survey Sampling, International Association of Survey Statisticians
1 day
The Data Scientist’s Toolbox (online), John Hopkins University through Coursera
8 weeks
Time Management for Researchers
1 day
Using of ArcGIS Spatial Analyst, GIS Project
2 days
Working with Network Analyst, ESRI
2 days
Writing Effective Research Proposals
1 day
Big Data Driven Geo-Spatial Models Supporting Public Health (BigDataGeoSuPH)
- Present
With some 32 million people in Europe with asthma and an associated cost of €18 billion per year, asthma represents one of the major medical challenges worldwide. Ireland has the 4th highest prevalence of asthma in the world. The BigDataGeoSuPH project aims to reduce asthma burden in Ireland with the help of pinpointing the time and location of inhaler usage and overlaying it with data from sensors and other sources and modelling the effects of the environment on the asthma symptoms…
With some 32 million people in Europe with asthma and an associated cost of €18 billion per year, asthma represents one of the major medical challenges worldwide. Ireland has the 4th highest prevalence of asthma in the world. The BigDataGeoSuPH project aims to reduce asthma burden in Ireland with the help of pinpointing the time and location of inhaler usage and overlaying it with data from sensors and other sources and modelling the effects of the environment on the asthma symptoms. Particularly, it will connect city-wide air, weather, and traffic monitoring sensors with the crowd-sourced data from an asthma tracking mobile application and will explore the correlations within this big data. An algorithm will be developed to identify the healthiest route and transport mode based on real time sensor data, required physical activity, and more. This will be tailored to the needs of people with asthma, using the inhaler usage crowd-sourced data. Furthermore, land use, transportation, health impact and climate models will be applied to simulate future scenarios and to analyse risks associated with asthma.
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Geo-Spatial Modelling Informing Policy (GeoSInPo)
Led by Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research Fellow Dr. Harutyun Shahumyan, the EC-supported GeoSInPo project aimed to achieve a thorough understanding of the dynamic processes involved in land use and transportation models, improving existing models, studying different approaches for their integration as well as coupling them with other relevant models (demographic, economic, water quality, etc.). The main objective of the project was to develop Spatial Decision Support Systems built on the existing…
Led by Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research Fellow Dr. Harutyun Shahumyan, the EC-supported GeoSInPo project aimed to achieve a thorough understanding of the dynamic processes involved in land use and transportation models, improving existing models, studying different approaches for their integration as well as coupling them with other relevant models (demographic, economic, water quality, etc.). The main objective of the project was to develop Spatial Decision Support Systems built on the existing urban and environmental models to inform decision makers through evidence-based scenario and policy analysis. The project also aimed to engage with the stakeholders involved in land use, transportation, urban planning and watershed management in the study regions to analyse policy options for regional development in response to different ‘what if’ scenarios in the context of population growth, urbanisation, climate change, sea level rise, and more.
EU Cooperation Capacity Building of Center for Ecological-Noosphere Studies of National Academy of Sciences of Armenia: Towards Armenia’s integration into the ERA
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Urban Environment Project (UEP)
The research aimed to better understand the link between development, land-use change and associated economic and environmental impacts within urban regions. At the core of the original project is MOLAND a land-use computer model which includes socio-economic and demographic information. The original UEP focused on 6 themes; air quality, urban transport, biodiversity, climate change, urban sprawl and the green city. Dr Shahumyan leads the modelling and geospatial analytic tasks of the team. A…
The research aimed to better understand the link between development, land-use change and associated economic and environmental impacts within urban regions. At the core of the original project is MOLAND a land-use computer model which includes socio-economic and demographic information. The original UEP focused on 6 themes; air quality, urban transport, biodiversity, climate change, urban sprawl and the green city. Dr Shahumyan leads the modelling and geospatial analytic tasks of the team. A successful example of generating innovative modelling solutions to real world problems was achieved in an application of the MOLAND model, which formed an important part of the latest review of the Regional Planning Guidelines.
Honors & Awards
Marie Skłodowska-Curie / EDGE Fellowship
European Commission and Science Fundation Ireland
Big Data Driven Geo-Spatial Models Supporting Public Health (BigDataGeoSuPH), EUR 266,050, 2017-2020
Marie Curie Global Fellowship
European Commission
FP7-PEOPLE-2013-IOF: Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowship for Career Development: Geo-Spatial Modelling Informing Policy (GeoSInPo), EUR 364,476, 2014-2017
Professional working proficiency
Professional working proficiency
Native or bilingual proficiency
The International Environmental Modelling & Software Society (IEMSS)
- Present -
European Science Foundation Pool of Reviewers (ESF)
- Present -
The Irish Organisation for Geographic Information (IRLOGI)
- Present
Recommendations received
9 people have recommended Harut
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I am so happy to share this fantastic news!!! Center for Ecological-Noosphere Studies National Academy of Sciences, RA (CENS) again among the winners…
I am so happy to share this fantastic news!!! Center for Ecological-Noosphere Studies National Academy of Sciences, RA (CENS) again among the winners…
Liked by Harut Shahumyan
Happy to share the summary of my recent webinar on AI Fairness in Healthcare, hosted by Griffith College Dublin! A big thank you to the organisers…
Happy to share the summary of my recent webinar on AI Fairness in Healthcare, hosted by Griffith College Dublin! A big thank you to the organisers…
Shared by Harut Shahumyan
🚀 We're Hiring: Principal Data Scientist (Need Ireland Work Visa)🚀 Join UnitedHealth Group and Optum in Ireland to lead innovative data science…
🚀 We're Hiring: Principal Data Scientist (Need Ireland Work Visa)🚀 Join UnitedHealth Group and Optum in Ireland to lead innovative data science…
Liked by Harut Shahumyan
🎉 1,000 Citations – Celebrating Planning Research 🎉 I’m delighted to share that my academic work has now been cited 1,000 times on Google Scholar!…
🎉 1,000 Citations – Celebrating Planning Research 🎉 I’m delighted to share that my academic work has now been cited 1,000 times on Google Scholar!…
Liked by Harut Shahumyan
Really enjoyed being part of the Futureville docuseries which was shown on RTE recently as part of Science Week. Amazing job by Carol Gunner and her…
Really enjoyed being part of the Futureville docuseries which was shown on RTE recently as part of Science Week. Amazing job by Carol Gunner and her…
Liked by Harut Shahumyan
Had the pleasure of judging a series of brand awareness campaigns created by the incredibly talented Trinity College Dublin Marketing students! Their…
Had the pleasure of judging a series of brand awareness campaigns created by the incredibly talented Trinity College Dublin Marketing students! Their…
Liked by Harut Shahumyan
I was delighted to be able to welcome Arya T.R, Deeksha and Rajatha into the Dublin office today on their first day of relaunching their tech career…
I was delighted to be able to welcome Arya T.R, Deeksha and Rajatha into the Dublin office today on their first day of relaunching their tech career…
Liked by Harut Shahumyan
Ensuring AI fairness is crucial for delivering quality care to all patients. I am excited about my upcoming webinar on AI Fairness in Healthcare…
Ensuring AI fairness is crucial for delivering quality care to all patients. I am excited about my upcoming webinar on AI Fairness in Healthcare…
Shared by Harut Shahumyan
Bias to Balance: Fairness in AI-Driven Healthcare Date: 21st November 2024 Location: Online Event Time: 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM (IST) Register Now:…
Bias to Balance: Fairness in AI-Driven Healthcare Date: 21st November 2024 Location: Online Event Time: 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM (IST) Register Now:…
Liked by Harut Shahumyan
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